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Friday, October 2, 2009

Yarra's Bicycle Strategy Open for Submissions

The City of Yarra’s Draft Bicycle Strategy is open for public review and comment until 22 October.

The document includes actions that will aim to increase the mode share of cycling for trips in Yarra, with a long-term vision of making cycling the first transport choice for all short to medium distance trips.

It details actions and timelines for improvements to the on and off road bicycle network and other infrastructure (including bike parking facilities) to maximise bicycle use in Yarra.

The draft strategy sets a clear goal for Council to increase the rate of Yarra residents cycling to work from 6.4% to 15% by 2015 as well as reducing bicycle collisions and injuries. It also aims to encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to take up cycling as a mode of transport.

Increasing cycling is a major part of the necessary transition to zero emissions transport systems. If Yarra Council carries out the actions in this plan, they will most certainly help in increasing cycling and should be commended. It would be great to see other municipalities and the State/Fed Governments make similar commitments backed by tangible actions. Send submissions through to Mark Kulyk at mark.kulyk –at– or PO Box 168, Richmond, VIC, 3121.

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